Obair/Local Employment Service Network
Obair/Local Employment Service Network (LESN) provides a free information, guidance and support service to people who are unemployed in Galway City.
Labour Market Programmes
The Tús Initiative is a community work placement scheme providing short-term working opportunities for unemployed people.
Enterprise Supports
We provide a number of supports who wish to set up their business, including:
- One-to-one business start-up mentoring support
- Developing a business plan
- Enterprise Training
- Apply for Back to Work Enterprise Allowance
Peter on 091 773466
or email
A CV today is a crucial element of gaining access to employment so as part of the GCP personal development initiative there will be a number of free CV clinics throughout the city to enable people who are long term unemployed to be in possession of a good quality CV.
Employment Skills Workshops
Galway City Partnership runs a series of free EMPLOYMENT SKILLS WORKSHOPS for unemployed people. The aim of the Workshop is to assist Jobseekers with Interview Preparation. and Technique. It will support participants in identifying their Skills and Strengths and includes the opportunity to take part in a ‘Mock Interview’.
Work Experience Agreement
In todays competitive jobs market it is arguably more important than ever for young people and those seeking employment to have evidence of quality work experience to enhance their CVs and job applications. Working in collaboration with local education & training personnel, employers and young people themselves Galway City Partnership has produced a quality framework for...
Galway City Partnership offers Manual Handling and Safe Pass Courses throughout the year on a regular basis. These courses can increase an individuals ability to gain employment. For more information on availing of a place on either course contact:
David @ 091-773466
David @ 091-773466
A Social Enterprise is an enterprise whose objective is to achieve a social, societal or environmental impact, rather than maximising profit for its owners or shareholders.
The 'Inclusive Pathways to Employment' programme at Galway City Partnership offers a specialist support service to individuals experiencing...