Back to Work Enterprise Allowance
You must be on jobseekers allowance. See for more information.
Stages in the Application Process:
- Confirm eligibility of payment with your local DSP if you are uncertain
- Make an appointment on 091-773466 to speak to our Enterprise Officer
- You will need to complete the following forms. These are provided for you by our Enterprise Officer.
- An abridged business plan
- A cash flow forecast
- A BTW2 form or STEA for Short-term applications on job seekers benefit
- A TRI - tax registration form
- Another appointment will be necessary to discuss the above submitted documents
- Attend a business course
- Your application is then ready to be recommended to the Department of Social Protection, who approves if the application is satisfactory.
Galway City Partnership provides education supports to individuals and community in Galway City involved in primary, secondary, tertiary and adult education. For more information on this programme please click below
A Social Enterprise is an enterprise whose objective is to achieve a social, societal or environmental impact, rather than maximising profit for its owners or shareholders.
Local Enterprise Board (LEO)
The Local Enterprise Board is also here to help people start their own business. A link to their Website is: