Government of Ireland
Sponsoed by European Union
Pobal - Government Supporting Communities
GCP Logo - New

“The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme(SICAP) is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills, and Training (EIST) Programme 2021-2027”
“Tá an Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) cómhaoinithe ag Rialtas na hÉireann, tríd An Roinn Forbartha Tuaithe agus Pobail, agus An tAontas Eorpach tríd an European Social Fund Plus faoin Employment, Inclusion, Skills, and Training (EIST) Programme 2021 – 2027.”

SICAP Employment Supports

GCP offer several Employments Supports including:

  • One to one CV support
  • Interview Skills Workshop
  • Safe Pass Training
  • Manual Handling Certification

Since the COVID-19 restrictions we also offer Mock Online Interviews – see video on the Top 6 Tips for “Conducting an Online Video Interview” Find it in the main navigation menu under > RESOURCES >TUTORIALS on this website, or go to Galway City Partnership YouTube page, you will also find several tutorial videos on IT skills on both platforms.

For more information on any of the above please call David at 086 2525 640 or email

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